If you like the high quality stuff at REI, but don't particularly care for the prices, consider shopping at its ghetto version, the Sports Basement. They sell the same high quality stuff at about a 20% discount.
The setting is definitely warehousey with sections marked by hand-scrawled cardboard signs; the selection is not as plentiful (you won't find 10 different choices of silk liners for your sleeping bag here); the few "associates" don't give you personal attention or lengthy expert advice; and the cashier is eating made-in-China pizza while she takes your money.
OK, before I turn you completely away from Sports Basement, I should mention that they do have other advantages over REI. They cover most mainstream sports, not just outdoorsy stuff. They also sell racquet sports, weight training, and triathlon-related equipment. So they're pretty much REI and Sports Authority rolled into one.
The prices can get better if your company hooked up with them, giving you an additional 10% discount. Sometimes, they host special events with local biking, hiking, or one of those outdoorsy clubs. You can get an additional 20% from their lowest marked price if you are a member of such a club.
Bottom line: If you don't know exactly what you want or if you want an exceptional return policy, stick with REI. If you want better prices, come to Sports Basement.
Recipe: Birthday Misua
Birthday misua (fine-noodle) or cha misua (stir-fried fine-noodle) is a
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long li...
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